BKO:0000590 (category)


The bricks representing translocation processes, where a biochemical entity is moved from one compartement to another.


Brick Language Pattern Terms
BKO:0000490 transcellular membrane efflux reaction (PD main) PD L1V2.0

SBO:0000588 transcellular membrane efflux reaction

BKO:0000489 transcellular membrane influx reaction (PD main) PD L1V2.0

SBO:0000587 transcellular membrane influx reaction

BKO:0000483 translocation reaction (PD narrow 1) PD L1V2.0

SBO:0000185 translocation reaction

BKO:0000484 translocation reaction (PD narrow 2) PD L1V2.0

SBO:0000185 translocation reaction

BKO:0000482 translocation reaction (ER main) AF L1V1.2

SBO:0000185 translocation reaction
